Friday, November 5, 2010

IM Ultimate Frisbee!!!

I just saw in my computer apps class an old flyer for IM Ultimate Frisbee. I barely remember seeing this my freshmen year and thinking it was cool and only thought it was for an older gym class. I expected to do it in my next few years at De La Salle during gym class. I had completely forgotten about it until now and realized it was never a gym activity, it was an IM sport. However, lately they have not had enough people to do the activity anymore. I talked to the head of IM sports and he said if I can get enough people to do it, we can do it in the spring. I need minimum of 12 students. I have a lot of friends at South Lake High School who would love to do it because I play with them all of the time; however, I don't think they can play here. However I am good and getting people interested in things so I am sure I can get more than enough kids to play by the spring time. I am really good at Ultimate Frisbee and I think it is the most fun sport in the world, and it is amazing exercise. I also like it because I am one of the best at it around and feel like a superstar hahaha.