Friday, September 24, 2010

Varsity Lineup Mayhem

Yesterday, the senior on JV tennis, Nick Fisk, was assigned to practice with the Varsity team for the next two days, and then also play in the tournament saturday. This was so Fisk can receive his varsity letter by playing three varsity matches. However, they are considering kicking one player off Varsity so Fisk can be permanent varsity player. The coaches are going to spectate how Fisk plays with the varsity team in the tournament and make their decision.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010


October 3rd is the De La Salle homecoming. I am worried because my friend invited me to hers which is October 2nd, and now I feel like I have to take her to mine, although I don't know if I want to. Also my friend wants me to take a different girl just so he can take her friend, however I don't want to take her either. There is a girl I want to take but I feel like I can't take her because I either have to take the one that invited me to hers or the other girl to help my friend. It's stressful and I need to figure it out.

College Applications

Today is September 14th, 2010, and I need to be starting my college applications soon. I have hopes to get into Michigan State University, however I am worried about being accepted. I feel that I should apply as early as possible so that it will look better and better my chances of being accepted. I still want to retake the ACT although I have a somewhat decent score now. I need to get recommendation letters from teachers and start my essays and have them proof read. I just need more time, with all of my homework and tennis, it makes it difficult to manage my time and make room for college.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

De La Salle vs Cousino

Yesterday we had a match against Cousino. It was very windy, and I do not play well in the wind. De La Salle was clearly the better team, however, Cousino wanted it more. I have played the kid I was against yesterday before. Cousino was in a tournament, and when I played him, it was a great match. I was losing the first set but came back and won. Then he won in the second set. After that I lost the tiebreak. I lost to him again yesterday but it was a much worse match, I could barely hit the ball in the wind. The majority of the team played worse too. Cousino won yesterday when De La Salle could have won. The coaches were not happy.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Tennis Match

Today De La Salle plays U of D in a tennis match. I'm playing four singles today. After school we all meet in the school cafeteria and from there we drive out to U of D as a team. However, the weather has been rainy, so it may be rained out. If the game happens to rain out we will have an early start on our Labor Day weekend, which would be nice. Even if it does not rain out I will be ready to beat U of D.